26 Jan 11 Hacks That Will Get More Traffic To Your Fitness Website
After surveying all of our customers, we found the most common challenge fitness businesses face is a shortage of traffic to their website. They all believe that their service or product is good enough and it will, therefore, drive traffic to the site.
But how? How are people supposed to know where to find your website if you don’t tell them about it? Transforming a website from no hits to thousands of visitors a month is not an easy task, but it is possible as long as you put the correct steps in place with your marketing strategy.
Just to be clear, driving traffic to your website isn’t an overnight task. It takes time and patience. But with the hacks below, you may be surprised on how quickly they begin generating results!
The following hacks are our attempt to bring you a clear insight on how to bring in more traffic to your website with actionable and straight-to-the-point strategies. Some of these hacks you may have already tried, some of them may have heard of and aren’t doing them, some may be new. Either way, when done right, these hacks work.
1. Publish Content More Regularly
This is the most basic and simple hack of all, but we often find people have a too few posts. This can be highly significant when it comes to boosting your website traffic. The reason for this is simple actually, people will come to your blog to read fresh content and the more you post, the more visitors you will draw.
You should be posting at least one new article a week on your blog. If you can post more, then great! but don’t fall foul of making the content boring and rushed. Keep your posts valuable to drive in quality traffic.
2. Promote Your Blog Posts To Your Email List
Sending your subscribers a newsletter is a great idea, but if you’re just focusing on your products or services every week, it can become quite a put off for the reader. A great way of bringing your subscribers back to your website each week is by promoting your latest blog content.
This doesn’t need to be the main focus of the email, including a link or two at the end of the email saying check out our latest posts will increase traffic and lead to more conversions. Don’t forget to use appealing titles.
3. Include Links To Other Posts On Your Blog
When writing a new post, always be aware of your previous content and link back to it if you think your readers may find useful. This will not only help the search engines with internal links but also increase the time-on-site of your readers. Giving you better conversion rates, and referral traffic.
4. Title Tags & Meta Descriptions Are Important
Title tags and meta descriptions are important elements of your website’s content. The title tag and the meta description tags should include keywords relevant to the content of the post they describe. This helps Search Engines understand what the page is about and index your web pages accordingly for relevant keywords or keyword phrases.
Don’t forget to go through to make sure they have unique and relevant title tags, URLS and Meta descriptions too.
5. Start A Facebook Group That Drives Traffic To Your Website
Facebook groups are a great place where your members can ask questions and get support and also allows us to promote your latest content to your following.
This is a great way to have all of your fitness clients in one place, allowing them to build friendships together and keep up to date with your latest classes, promotions and of course your latest posts.
6. Include Your Website Address In Your Signature
When using forums make sure to add your website address to your signature, as this is a great way to generate new traffic for free.
Millions of people each day visit fitness forums, if you can post advice and become a popular user, as people start to like your posts they will click the link to your site on your signature to learn more about you.
Also, don’t forget to add your website address and links to your social media page to your email signature too.
7. Optimise Your Facebook Posts
Start by checking out the Insights tabs on your Facebook page. Make sure to check out these stats regularly. Look into the reach of each post and the number of likes, shares and comments. If you do this on a regular basis, you’ll begin to notice patterns.
It’s also worth noting that the first 18 characters of each of your Facebook posts serve as the meta title and the meta description in search engines. Therefore, anytime you are going to post on Facebook, share the content or upload a picture, take advantage of the fact that you can add a description.
8. Tweet Your Content More than Once
Ever posted what you thought was an epic tweet, only to find it fell flat, it happens to everyone. Twitter is a very time-sensitive platform, which means messages have a very short lifespan. If one of your followers hasn’t seen a tweet within an hour or two, chances are they probably won’t see it at all.
This is why you shouldn’t limit yourself to posting your content just once. Post the same content link a number of times throughout the day. Use different titles and descriptions to see which works best to increase social media traffic, add imagery to your tweets as it can increase engagement massively.
9. Create Videos On YouTube
YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. So it’s a great idea to create a YouTube channel with some of the keywords related to your website and services.
Fitness tutorials and techniques are highly viewed on YouTube so you might consider creating some quick tip videos for your target audience. If you are the type of person who is confident enough in front of the camera create some vlogs (video blogs) talking about your services or client transformations etc.
You’d be amazed at how much consistent traffic a short video on YouTube can bring you, especially over the long term as your video gains views and relevancy.
10. Comment on Industry Blogs
There are many great bloggers in the fitness industry, from Bodyrock TV to Nerd Fitness and these can actually help drive traffic to your website.
Find a popular blog in your niche and become a regular commenter and try to establish relationships with other bloggers. This is a great way to build connections and you will start to see traffic coming from these sources which mean new website visitors!
11. Focus Your Energy on Strategies that are Working
Just as we said use Facebook insights, the most important thing is that you study the analytics to see whats working and bringing in the traffic to the website. Once you have established this, focus your time and energy on these areas for maximum impact.