21 Nov 5 Reasons to Take Your Personal Training Business Online
With the advent of social media and the number of online tools available today, there are some reasons why taking your personal training business online is a good idea. Whether you go totally online or provide both traditional and online training for your clients, the benefits of moving online still exist.
1. Build More Clients
When we talk to personal trainers, we always hear the same thing, “I only have so many hours in a week to train clients, and many of them are in different locations.” What we say is by taking your personal training business online, you can make your traditional classes more efficient due to intelligent management, and also acquire many more clients who you can coach online. Online can be done easier thanks to video sharing websites like YouTube, as well as communication programs like Skype and FaceTime.
2. Availability of Easy-to-Use Coaching Software
There are plenty of online fitness software platforms that allow trainers to create specific programs for clients to follow as well as nutritional meal plans. Most allow the option to track and monitor progress, as well as set achievable goals. The good ones come with animated exercises and graphics to make things easier to follow. Some provide the option to provide personal trainers with reports to see progress and allow them to analyse and adjust programs for their clients as necessary. Programs can also be sent, as an app to clients’ smartphones.
3. Using Social Media for Promotion
Social media has become a great promotional platform for traditional personal trainers, but it is also essential for anyone who wants to take their business online. Having a website is crucial to showcase your business, but you will also need to create a Facebook page in which to advertise, communicate and share with clients on a consistent basis. These pages can also be advertised locally to find possible clients nearby. Using other platforms like Instagram and Pinterest can also be used to both motivate and promote (via motivational, progress, and before/after photos).
4. Build an Online Community
Using your social media presence online can also assist in the creation of an online community. Social media platforms are such a useful tool it’s reasonable to communicate openly with your clients and have them communicate with each other on your social media profiles. This also provides an excellent opportunity to provide bonus material and answer any questions your clients may have. It’s also possible to create a members only forum which helps add a sense of exclusivity to your service.
5. Passive Income
Staying in shape is far from being passive, but the biggest reason for taking your personal training business online is the potential to earn passive income. Creating a member only community or website where people can pay a yearly or monthly fee for access to training material, videos, programs and nutritional plans. Some fitness trainers make a lot of money from training videos that are shared on YouTube, earning their passive income from Google Adsense every time they are watched.
These are just a few reasons to consider bringing your personal training business to the digital age. With all the tools now available, it’s foolish not to take advantage of them for your own good, as well as to make your clients’ lives easier.